Space Education Corner
The Solar System
332,900 times the mass of Earth
0.255 times that of Earth
1,300,000 times that of Earth
28 times that of Earth
Profile of the Sun
Size: The radius of the Equator is 696,000 km (109 times that of Earth)
Length of Year: 250 million years
Temperature: Surface Temperature around 5,500°C, Core Temperature around 15,000,000°C
Zones of the Sun
The Sun is the star at the centre of our Solar System and it is responsible for 99.8% of the mass of the solar system. The structure of the Sun can be divided into several layers, from the core zone, the solar radiative zone and the convection zone. Above the convection zone is the atmosphere which consists of the photosphere region and the corona.
Age of the Sun
The Sun was formed around 4.6 billion years ago and is currently in the middle of its main-sequence evolution, it is expected to enter its Red Giant phase after 4 to 5 billion years and turn to be a white dwarf eventually.
(Astronomical Unit)
Earth is 1 A.U. from the Sun
0.055 times the mass of Earth
0.984 times that of Earth
0.054 times that of Earth
0.38 times that of Earth
Structure of Mercury

(Astronomical Unit)
Earth is 1 A.U. from the Sun
0.815 times the mass of Earth
0.95 times that of Earth
0.88 times that of Earth
0.91 times that of Earth
Nitrogen (3%)
Others (1%)
Structure of Venus

(Astronomical Unit)
Earth is 1 A.U. from the Sun
Oxygen (20.946%)
Carbon Dioxide (0.03%)
Others (0.94%
Structure of Earth

(Astronomical Unit)
Earth is 1 A.U. from the Sun
0.10744 times the mass of Earth
0.714 times that of Earth
0.15 times that of Earth
0.38 times that of Earth
Nitrogen (2.7%)
Argon (1.6%)
Others (0.38%)
Structure of Mars

(Astronomical Unit)
Earth is 1 A.U. from the Sun
317.82 times the mass of Earth
0.241 times that of Earth
1316 times that of Earth
2.14 times that of Earth
Helium (10.2%)
Structure of Jupiter

(Astronomical Unit)
Earth is 1 A.U. from the Sun
95.16 times the mass of Earth
0.127 times that of Earth
763.6 times that of Earth
0.91 times that of Earth
Helium (3.25%)
Others (0.45%)
Structure of Saturn

from the Sun
(Astronomical Unit)
Earth is 1 A.U. from the Sun
14.371 times the mass of Earth
0.236 times that of Earth
63.1 times that of Earth
0.86 times that of Earth
Helium (15%)
Methane (2%)
Structure of Uranus

(Astronomical Unit)
Earth is 1 A.U. from the Sun
17.147 times the mass of Earth
0.317 times that of Earth
57.7 times that of Earth
1.1 times that of Earth
Helium (13%)
Methane (2%)
Structure of Neptune